UPVC material works in a combination with double glazed window panels which helps to reduce the noise up to 70% compared to traditional counterparts.
UPVC windows and doors provide great insulation from pollution such as dust, dirt, heat etc. It makes our space more tidy in outer look as well as inwards.
As UPVC doesn’t react with water and air so are not susceptible to natural elements like heavy rainfall, wind, etc., thereby protecting us from its ill effects.
UPVC material is incredibly tough so that it can cope against the most extreme elements and are not affected by rot and corrosion, which is a severe problem for properties near sea-side. The UPVC coating also protects from UV rays which prevent the material from fading in prolonged sun exposure.
UPVC windows offer a good deal of security with their single or multi-point high security locks that are attached to the window framing. They also have a strong layer of galvanized steel making it break resistant.
UPVC windows and doors typically comes in white colour, but we being a high quality product provider we incorporate other colours while designing it in the factory. They can also be made to customisable shapes and styles
UPVC is a material required by the building regulations to adhere the fire safety protocol rather than other conventional methods.
Our material requires low to zero maintenance so cleaning it is as simple as that. All you need is a wet sponge and a few minutes to rub all the dirt stick to the outer layer and ypur window will shine bright.
UPVC provides a leakage free rainy season to you, which thereby guards your family from health threats and will not welcome any unwanted expense.
UPVC stands out from other products is because it could be recycled up to 10 times which is great deal for environmental factors as well.